5 Walk to hotel

Walking back to the Sheraton hotel from the convention center

Gåturen tilbage til Sheraton hotellet fra konferencecenteret

PDC 09; Ritz Carlton

PDC 09; Ritz Carlton hotel

Downtown L.A. panorama; PDC 09

Panorama of Figueroa hotel covered in giant ads; PDC 09; sunset

PDC 09; walking to hotel; downtown L.A. in sunset

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 4

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

PDC 09; New ad going up on a building

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)